Ekla chalo re song
Ekla chalo re song

ekla chalo re song

After that, you'll be asked to hand off the results to a more experienced doctor.

ekla chalo re song

Once you have enough samples, you might be tasked to analyze them in research machines. The exciting stuff will come soon enough. Early levels are not glamorous, but they are easy and require no Skills to perform. Sometimes your early duties will include general housekeeping such as mopping up puddles. You can spread different examinations across different patients or the same patient, though you can only use a given examination method on the same patient once. Focus instead on taking the proper examinations, whatever it may ask for. However, this will waste your time and not help you toward your job progress. Like will all objectives, you are never required to if the objectives want you to check a patient's ears, you're welcome to take a blood sample instead. This may be necessary early if there are no more blue-hearted patients in rooms ready to examine.ĭuring examinations, the objectives list will ask you to perform specific examinations. Your Sim will lead the patient to an open room if there is one, and then you can proceed as normal. In this case you'll want to speak to a blue-hearted patient, then use the Medical Referral… > Admit Patient to Exam Bed social interaction. Sometimes incoming patients will pile up around the reception desk, and the receptionist doesn't always help out. Upper levels of the profession will have you focusing on these patients. Red-hearted patients have already been diagnosed and are waiting for either their medication or their operation. In early levels of the profession, these are the patients you'll be focusing on. Blue-hearted patients have newly arrived or have yet to be diagnosed. Patients will have a heart symbol over their heads, either blue or red. You can theoretically use Romance interactions, but the patients won't appreciate it. To do that, introduce yourself or use any Friendly-type social interaction. Early on your objectives may simply be to greet them. When you begin your rounds, patients will start to pour in, and some patients will already be in examination rooms.

Ekla chalo re song